5 Micro Habits to Achieve Real Results
Photo by Judy Beth Morris on Unsplash
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I’ve always been an all or nothing kinda gal. Extreme diets, workouts, try to do everything in one day — you know how it goes. The problem with all or nothing thinking is it sets you up for failure. Trust me, I know. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds over my life, only to put it back on. I’ve overworked my way into great jobs, only to get burnt out and quit. I was a world champion powerlifter; now I have lifelong injuries.
I went from extreme overdoing to being extremely burnt out. Extreme has not achieved long-lasting results for me.
It’s Time to Try Something New!
So, rather than busting out of the gate and losing steam, I’m opting to try making micro habits to achieve real results. I’m tired of cleaning my place only to have it a wreck two days later. I mean, wouldn’t it be easier to maintain it instead? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why is it…all or nothing?
5 Micro Habits to Try
I really want to achieve my goals this year, such as get healthy, write a book, simplify more, etc. But, I’m trying a different approach, and maybe you should too, if you have tried and failed in the past. Here are five micro habits to try out for real results:
1. Journal First
Writing used to be my therapy. The paper is my therapist, but I can say whatever I want with no judgment. I used to go to an acupuncturist, and she would give me tips for helping my mental health, too. One thing she told me to do was to journal first thing in the morning. A brain dump, so to speak. She said, “I want you to write whatever comes to your mind and make it unedited.”
Since journaling can relieve stress, this is one of my top five micro habits to start.
2. Take a Morning Walk
For some reason, we all feel like we have to go gung-ho when it comes to exercising. The bad thing is that most of us choose workouts based on how many calories they burn rather than doing something we enjoy. Truth be told, we are much more likely to stick with a fitness routine if we like it.
I used to love weightlifting, so it was easy to hit the gym five nights a week. In addition to searching for fun ways to get fit, I am going to start slow with a morning walk.
Walking has many health benefits and can help in weight loss. In fact, even walking ten minutes a day has health benefits. I am walking in the mornings, so no matter what happens the rest of the day, at least I did something good for my health.
3. Eat a Vegetable or Fruit with Each Meal
I would love to work towards becoming a vegetarian this year. For my health and the animals. I am taking the 2B Mindset by Beachbody approach, where Ilana Muhlstein teaches you to utilize more veggies in your meals.
For instance, instead of pasta, you use zoodles, which are zucchini noodles. Little swaps can make a huge impact. So, try to incorporate eating one vegetable or fruit at each meal to start making healthy choices.
4. Wash the Dishes Right After Use
I swear we have gremlins that dirty up dishes during the night, because every day there is a sink full of dishes to wash. To combat the constant battle of daunting tasks such as doing the dishes, I’ve decided to manage it with a new micro habit of washing them as soon as I’m finished eating.
Another thing to do is wash the dishes as you use them for baking or cooking. Try this micro habit with me and say goodbye to waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes.
5. Write for Ten Minutes a Day
Last year was a bit rough with writing. I did it for work, but not for pleasure. I have many ideas and books started but not finished. So, it’s time to take Shaunta Grime’s advice and start with just ten minutes a day. She is an awesome writer/teacher that is the master of micro habits.
She encourages you to carve out ten minutes a day for anything you are trying to accomplish. For instance, ten minutes a day writing or even exercising. She says to pick a dedicated time and write for just ten minutes. If you have a flow, keep going. If not, at least you wrote for ten minutes. Some words are better than no words.
There you have it. Why not try these five micro habits that I am starting so you can accomplish your goals too? Grab the FREE Habit Tracker to get started!