Try a Wildlife Photography Challenge!
© Kat Brancato Newt on the Mountain
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I love animals of all kinds. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching all my feathered friends and critters on the mountain and in our yard. I also like taking pictures, which is why I have decided to try a wildlife photography challenge this year.
Do you like animals too? If so, then why not get outside and enjoy the outdoors while peeping on wildlife?
How to Start a Wildlife Photography Challenge
You’d be surprised at how much wildlife you will see if you make the effort. I started putting out peanuts and birdseed and saw birds that I didn’t even know were native to our state. Plus, I got some adorable chipmunk and squirrel friends that visited too!
Of course, you shouldn’t go out and feed wild animals because it’s dangerous, but hiking on trails will put you in their natural habitat and increase your chances of getting some amazing pictures. Remember always to be safe and don’t go alone. Take these steps to start your own wildlife photography challenge:
Research Wildlife that is Native to Your Area
The first thing you need to do is research wildlife and birds that are native to your state. There are many websites that show images or even have charts of animals and birds for the state you reside in. You can use it to make your own chart or get one from one of the sites and print it out.
Having a chart can help you track what wildlife you have seen, and you can mark off each animal or bird as you get pictures of them.
2. Pick Your Camera
You may have a decent camera already if you are a hobby photographer or perhaps you use your phone. However, having a good camera with various lenses that you can use to capture different types of wildlife will provide the best pictures.
If you want to start learning photography as a hobby or are considering it as a side hustle, then you may want to invest in a high-quality camera such as the Canon EOS 4000D available on Amazon. You can always get a starter camera and invest in a better camera later.
3. Dedicate Days and Prepare Ahead for Your Wildlife Photography Challenge
It’s easy to let life keep you busy and not take time for things you enjoy. So, try to dedicate specific days that you can take trips and hikes to get outdoors and get pictures for your wildlife photography challenge.
You may decide to spend the day out, so take water and snacks with you to stay hydrated and nourished. Remember to always take precautions and never approach wild animals or go hiking alone. It’s vital to always stay safe!
Remember, you can also find ways to attract wildlife to your yard. Simply hanging birdfeeders and putting out peanuts will attract furry and feathered friends, and you don’t have to leave home.
Take time out to do something that brings you joy and try out a wildlife photography challenge!