Why A Simple Life Is A Happy Life!
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I’ve been working towards a simpler life. Why? Because a simple life is a happy life! Do you have a high-paying job, a nice car, or a bigger house than you need, but still feel…unhappy? Well, it’s because happiness isn’t really about that. If it was, then why are wealthy people like celebrities battling depression and addiction?
We have become so entrenched in searching for happiness in items and money that it seems to be having the opposite effect on us. Sure, having enough money so you don’t have to deal with financial stress is important, but what happens when it goes past that?
What happens when it becomes an obsession of always attaining more and just existing vs. living?
“Houston, we have a problem!” And now it’s time to take a step back and reassess what it is that brings you happiness and how to attain it. If you are trying to get away from the chaos of the world, then it may be time to try simple living.
So, let’s discuss the reasons why a simple life is a happy life and how you can attain it.
5 Reasons Why a Simple Life is a Happy Life
If you’re not quite sure if it’s for you, check out these top reasons why a simple life is a happy life, and you just might decide to make a change!
You Have More Free Time
As I said before, almost all of us want more free time to do things we enjoy. When you simplify your life, you free yourself up to do more of what you love.
For instance, rather than working a full-time job and a side hustle, you could minimize your expenses so you could live comfortably by working your side hustle alone.
This means more hours in the week for you to do fun things like paddleboarding, hiking, or whatever brings you joy!
2. You Have Less Financial Stress
You may be thinking how in the world can I have less financial stress if I’m not grinding away every week to make a decent living.
Well, if you truly want to work less, destress, and free yourself from the “hamster wheel” of society, a simple life will help you do that.
The less money you owe, the less money you have to bring in. Debt-free equals freedom on many levels!
3. You Become More Mindful
Learning to live simply can help you become more mindful. Rather than rushing through the day and being on the go all of the time, you will have the ability to simplify your schedule and focus on things that matter most.
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present and not overwhelmed by what’s going on around you.
An overloaded schedule wreaks havoc on the ability to slow down and be grateful for what you are doing in the present. Living simply and being mindful go hand in hand.
4. You Learn to Be Content with What You Have
Once you learn to live a simpler life, you will learn to be content with what you have. You won’t feel the need to fill your life up with unnecessary items.
Once you declutter your home and surround yourself with things that make you happy, you will be thankful for what you have and realize those things are enough. Less is more when it comes to materialism.
5. A Simple Life Can Improve Your Health
This is the ultimate reason why a simple life is a happy life! Your health can drastically improve by simplifying your life. How so?
Not overworking yourself and being surrounded by clutter can reduce stress and anxiety. According to the Mayo Clinic, feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed can cause many health problems such as fatigue, muscle tension, and depression.
Removing clutter and not having to grind away to pay for things you don’t truly need can help reduce stress levels.
Plus, you will have more time to focus on your health by simplifying your life. This means more time to cook delicious healthy meals and exercise frequently.
3 Tips to Work Towards a Simple and Happy Life!
So, now that you know the reasons a simple life is a happy life, let’s dive into a few top tips on how to start working towards a simpler life.
Minimize Your Living and Cut Your Budget
The first step towards a simpler life is to cut the fat from your budget, so to speak, and drastically reduce your expenses. Do you have a hefty house payment? Consider selling it and downsizing into an alternative home instead.
Do you owe money on your car? Simplify your life and reduce your expenses by selling it and buying a pre-owned vehicle that you will own without a payment.
Do you spend too much money eating out? (I’m so guilty of this and working to change it!) Find ways to make your favorite dinners or treats at home and save that cash. As you can see, a simple life is a happy life when it comes to your finances!
2. Declutter Your Home
Simplifying means having fewer things to clean and deal with. The less you have, the less you have to clean, sort, and put away. You don’t have as much laundry to do if you have fewer clothes.
The same goes for dishes and kitchen appliances—rather than dirtying up more and more stuff, there is a small limit to what you have. This helps you attain a tidy home and live simply much easier.
3. Simplify and Prioritize Your Schedule
Don’t make the same mistake I have for years and try to fit 48 hours of stuff in a 24-hour day. It can’t be done. No matter how much you try. And all you are left with is a massive unfinished to-do list, extreme exhaustion, and the feeling of failure.
Combat this by simplifying and prioritizing your schedule. I love the power of three! This is where you pick 3 big tasks a day or even 3 weekly goals and break them down.
Having ten million things on your schedule is going to make you frazzled and, if you’re like me-may just shut you down completely.
So, list the most important tasks first and build out your day from there. But remember to have a mindful morning before getting started. You can’t pour from an empty cup!
There Is No Doubt That A Simple Life Is A Happy Life!
Now that you see all the benefits of living a simple life, why not give it a try? I’m in the mindset of drastically simplifying my life because I want to live, not simply exist.
Remember to reduce expenses, declutter your life, and simplify your schedule to start working towards a simple and happy life!