Clear Clutter Easily With the 5-Box Decluttering Method!
Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of decluttering? You are not alone in your struggle. Many find it hard to focus on the task at hand—myself included. So, what is the answer to those of us who shut down when it’s time to start getting rid of all that stuff we don’t need? Use the 5-box decluttering method!
This simple method takes the guesswork out of clearing clutter and makes it a cinch. I turned to Diane Quintana, expert organizer and Owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC, to learn exactly what this decluttering method is, why it’s effective, and how to use it!
What is the 5-Box Decluttering Method and Why Is It Effective?
"The 5-box decluttering method is a quick and easy way to create order in your home. It helps to reduce that feeling of being overwhelmed that goes with beginning an organizing project," Quintana says.
This method uses five labeled boxes to store your items to speed up decluttering. You will have a box for throwing items away, one for recycling, one for donating, one for items you want to keep, and one for items you want to relocate. If you want to implement a bonus box for "pending items," you can. This box is for items you're unsure if you want to keep.
She says that the 5-box method is very effective because it gives you a place to put almost anything you come across as you declutter an area or room in your home.
How to Use the 5-Box Decluttering Method to Tidy Up Your Home
I love the 5-box method because I can tear through clutter much faster than other methods. The key is to address the boxes as soon as possible and not let them sit around. That said, take these steps to use the 5-box decluttering method effectively:
Label Your Boxes
Quintana says not to worry if you don't have five boxes. You can use a combination of boxes and sturdy shopping bags instead. The important thing is to label the box or the bag with the category.
Here are the five labels to create, and make sure to use a thick magic marker or a sticky badge label:
The first box is for your trash. It's quite shocking how much random trash that accumulates in our homes. Junk mail, magazines, broken items, etc., can all be quickly discarded in your toss box. I address trash before anything else because it clears up surfaces quickly and motivates me to keep going.
If you have various items that are broken but can be recycled, then you will put all of them in this box. Recycling can help the environment, and honestly, it makes you feel less guilty about getting rid of stuff. Tossing things in the trash that can potentially be recycled makes me feel bad, so I do my best to gather up items that can be taken to the recycling facility.
You can also use a trusty app called Trash Nothing to list these items for free. People in the area may use them for upcycling or other projects, and you can have them come pick them up!
Items that are in good condition but you don't need or want anymore will go into the donation box. Clothing, household items, toys, books, etc. can all be donated to your favorite charity to help others.
Personally, I prefer donating to the SPCA thrift shop because the money they make helps support animal shelters. So, put your clutter to good use, help others in need, and clear it out of your home.
This box will be for items that you know you want to keep that belong in the area you are decluttering. The key is to go through the items first and then organize them later. So, toss your 'keep' items in this box and put them away when you are ready.
The relocation box is for items you want to keep but don't belong in the space you are decluttering. Put these items in this box to deal with later so you can focus on the space you are decluttering and put the other items away once you are done.
This prevents you from getting side-tracked from putting items away while you are trying to sort through all the stuff. This is extremely helpful for those of us with ADHD, because it helps us focus on one task at a time.
Bonus Box—Pending
This box is for items that you aren't sure if you can live without or not. (It can also be used as your relocation box in addition to the other items) You will put the items in this box and decide later if you can let them go. Be careful not to try to cling onto too much stuff, though. Remember, the point is to make your home clutter-free and tidy!
2. Pick a Place to Start
Quintana says that you must pick a place to start after you label your boxes and/or bags. Instead of telling yourself you're going to declutter your entire home, decide to start in one room—like your bedroom. If the room is very cluttered, you can start in 1 section of the room.
This will help take the overwhelm out of the task.
"Bring some cleaning supplies along with the five boxes or bags to the place you've decided to start. Let's say you decided to declutter the dining table. As you take things off the table, one item at a time, put them into the appropriate box or bag. When everything is off the table, clean it, and put anything back that belongs on the table," she instructs.
3. Take Out the Trash and Recycling
Once you've put the items into their dedicated boxes from your chosen area, it's time to take out the trash and recycle. It may sound bad, but there is something very freeing about getting rid of all that garbage and junk from the house.
4. Donate Items ASAP
Quintana says the next thing you should do is put the donation box or bag into your car and schedule a visit to your local donation site. Get these items out of your house as soon as possible.
Otherwise, you have a big box of stuff taking up space, and you may start "second-guessing" your choices. I have donated so many items and honestly feel better when they're gone than when they're sitting around my house!
5. Deal with Pending Items
"Finally, look in the pending box or bag and decide what to do with these things. These may be things that belong in other rooms, things that you're not sure if you want to keep them, or things that you're not sure about what the next step is," says Quintana.
"Take the things that belong in other rooms to those rooms. Figure out if there is someone to ask to get clarity on the next step to take and schedule time to follow through."
She adds, "Give yourself a week or two to decide if you want to keep the remaining items and where you'll put them."
Decluttering Courses and Products to Help You Get the Task Done Easier!
I'll be honest: Decluttering and organizing do not come naturally to me. If you also struggle to clear clutter from your life, you should check out Quintana's Home Solutions Course for tips on decluttering your entire home!
If you suffer from ADHD like me, then you should grab this amazing deck of cards that helps you organize your home 10 minutes at a time!
Here's a brief overview of the cards:
Each card is specific to a room in the house and a single task. The cards are color-coded by room. This is good for someone with ADHD because it makes it easy to see which room they want to tackle.
There are only 4 - 6 steps on each card to complete the task, and it only takes about 10 minutes or less because the tasks are small and simple. You can see more about them here.
In addition to these amazing products you can sign up for my free decluttering checklist below!