Try A 30 Day Happiness Challenge To Improve Your Mindset!

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Are you feeling a bit blue and need a little pick me up? Personally, I've been needing a little bit of happiness added to my days. I've been working way too much the past two years and still feel a bit burnt out. So I decided to try a 30 day happiness challenge to help my mindset! 

I recommend you give it a whirl too, because life is meant to be lived, not just survived. So work through these 30 days to happiness to improve your mindset and start feeling happier!

Start this 30 Day Happiness Challenge To Boost Your Mood!

Increase your happiness daily with these fun and relaxing ideas. And don’t forget to grab the FREE 30-Day Happiness Challenge Printable below!

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    1. Start a Mindful Morning Routine

    Starting your day right can make all the difference in your mood. Which is why trying out a mindful morning routine is a great way to start your 30 day happiness challenge.

    Check out my post "Start Your Day Off Right with a Mindful Morning Routine” to learn how!

    2. Craft Away

    Crafting is not only fun, it can actually boost your mood! I love to craft and need to do more of it because I always feel happy when I do.

    Pinterest is my favorite source for fantastic craft ideas. So pop over to Pinterest and find something you have always wanted to make. 

    3. Get Outside

    Being inside all of the time isn't good for you. In fact, research shows that getting outside improves mental health. Even if you can only get outdoors for a little while, it will still help to boost your happiness. 

    Check out my "15 Wonderful Ways to Enjoy the Outdoors" post for ideas on what to do!

    4. Plant a Small Garden 

    When I actually garden, I love it. Plus, there are many physical and mental health benefits from gardening! There are a ton of different types of gardens you can plant. Check out my post, "5 Unique Themed Garden Ideas," for inspiration. 

    If you don't have a ton of space or a yard, you can always have a small indoor garden. Or you can adorn your home with your favorite potted flowers and plants.

    5. Write a Poem

    You may be a poet and not even know it… 😂 Writing poems is how I deal with many emotions. It's like therapy to me, and I enjoy it very much.

    So, grab a notebook/journal and dedicate it to your poems and thoughts.

    6. Have a Spa Session

    You could treat yourself to an actual spa day somewhere, or you can even pamper yourself at home.

    As an introvert, I find having a spa day at home much more relaxing because when I go anywhere, I feel I need to fill in conversation so I "don't seem rude." And this totally offsets my need for relaxation. 

    But you do whatever makes YOU happiest—that's what's important! If you do opt for a home spa day, create a relaxing atmosphere. Light candles, play soothing music, and take it all in. 

    7. Spend Time with Your Pets

    If you have fur babies, then you already know how much joy they bring you. What is one of the best things to do on a 30 day happiness challenge?

    Take a day and spend it with your pets! It's so much fun. Get them some goodies like treats and new toys. 

    Go to the park or cuddle up and take a fuzzy nap. If you don't have pets, then maybe you can offer to spend time with your friends' pets or consider adopting one if you're looking to add a new member to the family!

    8. Make your Favorite Dessert

    Life is short; eat dessert. What is your favorite dessert you absolutely LOVE? Whatever it is, google it and find the recipe and make it for yourself. Baking is quite enjoyable, and you get a yummy treat afterward. 

    9. Sleep In 

    Alarm clocks suck. Seriously, waking up to a loud shrill is terrible. Some may have "less invasive" alarm sounds but being jolted awake every day really isn't fun. 

    So, be sure to pick a day from your happiness challenge and allow yourself to sleep in. Don't set any alarms; allow yourself to wake up naturally and see how much better you feel. 

    10. Have a Cozy Night In

    No matter what time of year it is, having a cozy night in is fabulous. A cozy evening at home is the best way to practice "Hygge" (pronounced Hooga) and learn to embrace the simple pleasures of life like the Danes do.

    Check out my post "10 Ideas for a Cozy Night In" for some relaxing ideas to try!

    11. Take a Nature Walk

    Lately, I've been taking nature walks, and it really makes me feel better. According to this article by Kaiser Permanente, the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries created a term called "shinrin-yok," which translates to "forest bathing."

    This is when you surround yourself with the beauty of nature while practicing mindfulness. So rather than walking at a fast pace, you walk leisurely and soak up your surroundings.

    Listen to the birds, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, and stop and sniff the flowers, so to speak. 

    You don't have to go to a forest to do this. Find a park or a pretty place outside and give it a try. 

    12. Start a New Hobby

    Is there a hobby you've wanted to start but haven't? Well, now you get to thanks to this fun 30 day happiness challenge!

    What have you always wanted to learn or do as a hobby? Paint, write, archery? Take this opportunity to finally start a hobby and have a bit of fun!

    13. No Technology Day

    Technology has its benefits, sure. But it can also be a real-time-sucker. Plus, being online and seeing bad news or social media influencers showing off their lavish lifestyles can be a drag. 

    So, as part of your 30 days to happiness, pick a day that you don't use technology at all. It may surprise you how less stressed you feel.

    14. Try a New Look

    How long has it been since you switched up your look? Why not try a new hair color, change up your makeup, or switch up your wardrobe?

    Trying a new look can boost your confidence and help you feel happier. 

    15. Cuddle Up with a Good Book

    Books are fantastic for getting away from it all. It's like taking a vacation without the expense. I prefer fiction to nonfiction but find a good book you want to read, warm up a cup of tea, and take it easy. 

    16. Rest For a Whole Day

    Believe it or not, rest is important to our happiness. Constantly being on the go will wear you out. So, schedule a whole day to rest as part of your 30 days to happiness. 

    17. Practice Positive Affirmations

    If you haven't heard of "Coffee Self-Talk" by Kristen Helmstetter, I highly recommend it. She teaches you how to practice positive affirmation to achieve the magical life you desire. Positive affirmations actually work. 

    Studies show MRI evidence that there is an increase in neural pathways when people practice positive self-talk consistently.

    Grab a copy of "Coffee Self-Talk: 5 Minutes a Day to Start Living Your Magical Life" and see for yourself!

    18. Make A Bucket List for Every Season

    Perhaps you have an "Ultimate Bucket List," but try to make a bucket list for every season. It's super fun and helps you carve out time for things you want to do.

    You can make a bucket list for Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter! 

    19. Listen To Your Favorite Tunes 

    Music can have a positive impact on your well-being. Pick songs that make you happy and feel uplifted. Perhaps some of your favorite tunes from when you were younger. Listening to music is a fantastic way to boost happiness. 

    20. Start a Brain Dump Journal

    I've started a brain dump journal, and I can say it really does help. A brain dump helps you write out your thoughts and declutter your mind. 

    I'm practicing the "Four Square Brain Dump," where you write down your thoughts, a To-Do list, Things you are grateful for, and Your Top 3 Priorities from your To-Do List. It's like an all-in-one way to get it all out in one sitting. 

    Try writing in your brain dump journal for the entire 30 day happiness challenge and note how you feel and what you accomplish. 

    21. Declutter Your Bedroom

    Clutter in your bedroom can actually disrupt sleep. Take the day and declutter your bedroom completely. Even better, create a Hygge bedroom to create a relaxing atmosphere so you can drift off to dreamland faster. 

    22. Call Up an Old Friend

    We all have that one person that can make us smile no matter what. Give them a call and chat for a bit or have them over for some coffee.

    It's easy to have 1,000 acquaintances, but a true friend is better than gold. 

    23. Soothe Yourself with a Breathing Exercise

    Breathing exercises can help reduce stress and increase the amount of oxygen in your blood. My favorite breathing exercise is the 4-7-8 technique.

    You breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds. Check out this article on Healthline to learn how to do it! 

    24. Take a Dance Class

    I love dancing! It's super fun and fantastic for exercise. Plus, you can find dance class videos on YouTube and Tiktok and never leave the house!

    Dance your way through 30 days of happiness to improve your mind and body. 

    25. Make a Dinner You've Never Had Before

    Spice things up and make a dinner you've never had before. There are millions of recipes on Pinterest you can choose from. Make it fun and create an entire theme for the meal. 

    For instance, if you are making an Italian dish, play Italian music, light candles, etc.

    26. Reminisce and Look Through Pictures and Videos

    Take a walk down memory lane and bust out the old photo albums. If you have old family videos on DVDs or even some on your phone, take some time out and watch them.

    Reliving the good times is a great way to spark joy.

    27. Take a Drive to Nowhere

    When I was a teenager, I used to drive around just to…well, drive around. There was something about driving to nowhere with the windows down and the radio up that always made me feel better. 

    Take a drive to clear your head during your 30 day happiness challenge!

    28. Tour Your Town 

    Have you ever toured your town like a "tourist?" It's amazing! Take a day and visit your town like someone who has never been there.

    Check out new places you've never seen or visit your favorite ones you haven't been to for a while. 

    29. Forgive Someone

    This can be super hard, but it is also very healthy. A huge part of your 30 days to happiness is to forgive someone you've been begrudging. Holding resentment only hurts you.

    Trust me, I have grudges almost as old as I am, so I know the pain it contains.

    Although it's hard, sometimes it's necessary to forgive. And remember, just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you condone the behavior; it simply means that letting go is sometimes easier than holding on. 

    30. Be Thankful 

    Every day there is something to be thankful for, no matter what we face. Think of things that bring a smile to your face and make you thankful. Better yet, write down 3 things EVERY DAY that you are thankful for.

    Try this 30 Day Happiness Challenge for a Happier You!

    These days we can all use a bit more happiness in our life. Life is too short not to take time out and enjoy it. So, give this 30 day happiness challenge a try to become a happier and healthier you!

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    30-Day Happiness Challenge Printable!

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