How to Prepare for the New Year: 7 Top Things to Do!
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The countdown begins to a brand new year. Many of us use the inspiration of a new year as a new start for our life goals. However, rather than waiting for January 1st this year, I decided to prepare for the new year.
Why? Because it seems that no matter how pumped up any of us are for a new start, we usually forget that we need to prepare for changes we want to make. Otherwise, it’s easy to get discouraged from taking on those big goals and dreams we have.
That’s why getting ready for the new year is one of the biggest steps to having an epic year. So, let’s dive into how to prepare for the new year so you can be ready ahead of time!
How to Prepare for the New Year
Here are seven essential things to do to prepare for the new year:
Write Down Your Goals for the Year
What are your goals for the coming year? Do you want to get fit and healthy? Work towards living a simpler life? Maybe even get outdoors more? Whatever your goals may be, it’s important that you write them down.
Studies show that writing down your goals makes you more likely to achieve them. In fact, a study performed by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, found that those that wrote down their goals were 42% more likely to achieve them.
Think about what it is you want to accomplish this year, and write down all of your goals for the year!
2. Create a Goal Tracker
Once you have your yearly goals written down, then you should create a goal tracker. Tracking your progress will help you stay accountable and motivated.
If you are the crafty type, you can create a binder with tracking sheets in it. Or you can purchase a goal tracker on Etsy or Amazon.
Get your tracker created as soon as possible to keep you on point for the new year.
3. Make a New Schedule
Now it’s time to prepare for the new year by making a new schedule, so you block out time to achieve those big goals you have.
For instance, if you want to exercise more, you should schedule times and days you plan to work out. If you want to simplify your life, then schedule some time to clean and declutter.
Your new schedule needs to include your new goals. The best scheduling method is time-blocking and task-batching. Time-blocking is when you prioritize your to-do list and dedicate blocks of time for each task.
For example, if you wanted to work out for an hour a day, you would pick a time and block out that section for your workouts.
Batching tasks is when you take similar tasks and batch them together to complete them simultaneously. For instance, if you are a writer, rather than pitching every day, you would block out time and do your pitching in one batch. You can apply this to personal and business schedules.
Remember to keep your schedule simple; otherwise, you may get overwhelmed and find it hard to stick with.
4. Get Your Supplies before the New Year Starts!
Have you ever woken up on New Year’s day, ready to start on your new goals, only to find you don’t have what you need to begin?
For example, if you want to eat healthier this year and start on January 1st, then go grocery shopping beforehand. Otherwise, it will be too easy to hit the drive-thru or grab a snickers bar for breakfast.
Or maybe you are ready to tidy up and get organized but don’t have any supplies. The point is to try your best to prepare for the new year by getting your supplies or whatever you need ahead of time.
So, make a list based on your goals and grab what you need this week.
5. Create a Vision Board
I’m super guilty of losing my mojo a few weeks into the new year. Come to find out; I’m not the only one. 35% of people say they give up on their goals because they lose motivation. But we can combat that by getting ready for the new year with a vision board!
A vision board is a board that has a collage of pictures, quotes, and goals you want to accomplish. For example, if it’s your goal to simplify your life and live in a Hygge Cabin in the forest, then your board would have a picture of a beautiful log cabin and other things that motivate you to reach that goal.
Vision boards are a fabulous motivation tool that actually works. They are a visual reminder of what you want to achieve and help you create a clear vision for your goals.
6. Prepare for the New Year with a Decluttering Challenge
So you may not get everything decluttered by the first of the year, but you can jumpstart by getting ready for the new year with a decluttering challenge. If you are overwhelmed with too much stuff, this is a fantastic way to make a change.
You can try a 7-day or 30-day decluttering challenge to make tidying up more fun. Grab the FREE decluttering checklist below to get started ahead of time!
7. Make a Financial Plan
If you want to get your finances on track, then prepare for the new year by making your financial plan now. Having a solid financial plan in place is the key to financial success. Your financial plan should include things like your monthly budget, savings goals, retirement plan, investment plans, etc.
Start getting ready for the new year by figuring your finances out first!
Prepare for the New Year to Successfully Complete Your Goals!
Take this month to work on getting ready for the new year. Preparing ahead of time can make sticking to your goals much easier. Remember, if you do have a mishap, it doesn’t mean you have to quit! Get back to the drawing board and find ways to help you accomplish your goals more easily.
I highly recommend making working towards a simpler life a goal this year. Less stuff means less to clean, less debt, less worry, and more enjoyment!